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Delwa Services

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Due to the depletion of energy reserves and the very high price of saffron which is exported as red gold, new techniques and technologies have been used to reduce the consumption of raw materials and increase production efficiency in order to improve the quality of the final product. One of the main concerns of innovation is the mentioned invention. Therefore, due to the expensive energy resources and the depletion of these resources, the sale of raw materials of such valuable and high-quality products should be avoided.

خدمات نانو - دلوا

Nanoemulsion services

In line with its scientific and innovative solutions in the production of nano-based products, Delwa provides technological services in the field of nanoemulsion for the food industry. Iranian saffron nanoemulsion, rosehip nanoemulsion and cinnamon nanoemulsion are among the most important products based on nanoemulsion services in Delwa research group.

1- Iranian saffron nanoemulsion

Saffron is the result of drying red stamps of Crocus Sativus. The total value of trade in agricultural products in the world is about $ 2,000 billion, of which the share of saffron is one percent. Countries active in this field are Iran, China, Spain, Vietnam, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Morocco with 90% of the total value of world saffron trade. In 2017, Iran’s exports amounted to two hundred and seventy-four tons. As the most expensive agricultural and medicinal product in the world, saffron has a special place in terms of economy, prevention of migration and job creation. The main cause of color, flavor and aroma of saffron are related to crocin, picrocrocin and safranal, respectively. Crocin is one of the few water- soluble carotenoids in nature. In order to increase the shelf life of this product, to maintain the nutritional quality and special taste and color of saffron, facilitate its use in the formulation of food products and create added value, saffron nanoemulsion production techniques can be used. Nanoemulsions are produced in two general categories: high energy methods and low energy methods. The use of ultrasonic technique, which is one of the high-energy methods, is recommended due to lower energy consumption, use of less emulsifier amounts and production of a more uniform emulsion with smaller droplet size.The conversion factor in the production of Iranian saffron nanoemulsion by ultrasonic method is 3.8.

2- Rosa damascene Nanoemulsion

The Rosa damascene, which has a long-standing place in poetry and literature, has now found unparalleled value in agriculture, medicine and exports. This flower is cultivated for the first time in Iran and in addition to its medicinal properties, it has very high antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Its antioxidant properties are related to the presence of vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin C. Production of Rosa damascene Nanoemulsion is one of the valuable products through essential oils, roses and dried buds in the target markets including European countries and the Persian Gulf. China, Germany, India, Italy, UAE, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Hong Kong, China, Spain and has the most potential. Mohammadi flowers are in stock in Asia. In order to increase the shelf life of this product and to maintain the nutritional quality facilitate its use in the formulation of food products and create added value, Rosa damanscene nanoemulsion production techniques can be used. Nanoemulsions are produced in two general categories: high energy methods and low energy methods. The use of ultrasonic technique, which is one of the high-energy methods, is recommended due to lower energy consumption, use of less emulsifier amounts and production of a more uniform emulsion with smaller droplet size.

3- Cinnamon nanoemulsion

The cinnamon plant is one of the valuable plants with beneficial properties that can be used in different food formulations It can play a significant role in increasing shelf life, acceptability and improving food quality. In the composition of cinnamon, essential oil volatile, eugenol, tannin, safrole, cinnamic aldehyde, cuminaldehyde, caryophyllene, alphelandrin, picimin, pinene, cinnamaldehyde, cineole, mucilage, metulave There is genol, sucrose, starch. Usually, cinnamon essential oils have up to two percent safrole. The essential oil obtained from its skin Contains 10.8% safrole, 10.9% eugenol, 52.50% cinnamaldehyde. According to the findings New cinnamon ingredients with lipid anti-peroxidation, chelating, anti-HIV, anti-negative effects of food consumption fatty, enhancing learning and increasing short-term memory, especially in Alzheimer's disease, improving MS symptoms, anti-fungi such as Alternia Alternata, a mild antiseptic, anti- cancer and coronary diseases, improves the amount of useful fatty acids in the chicken carcass.It can be used in active packaging and edible films, strong antibacterial against Helicobacter pylori in the stomach .

Nanopackaging Service

Nowadays, the use of modern nano technologies in the field of quality control of food industry has grown significantly and in several trends, including the detection of microbial toxins in food through nano biosensors, increasing the shelf life of food through nano clay and nano silver packaging coatings, as well as in The field of changing some unpleasant organoleptic properties such as taste, color and smell, especially in aquatic products, has played a very important role, so that the use of this technology is growing and developing at a very fast pace.

Currently Delwa is a provider of nano packaging services for caviar and saffron products.

1- Caviar NanoPackaging

The packaging of Iranian caviar for export must be neat and hygienic. Caviar is packaged in a beautiful and elegant way so that it can be exported, and this export caviar must have all the necessary licenses and health licenses. Beluga caviar eggs are called black pearls. The shape of the Iranian Beluga caviar label that should be exported is silver. Astra caviar is light brown to olive because of its egg color. Beluga and Astra caviar cans are exported in size from 10 g to 125 g. The color of export caviar cans is almost yellow. Sturgeon packing factory in Iran offers caviar to customers and agencies as well as sturgeon shopping centers after production and breeding in cans and glass packaging. However, today most caviar farm centers and agencies in Iran have sturgeon farming and breeding factories by themselves that offer their products directly to customers. A vacuum sealer can be used to pack caviar.Caviar is usually packaged in metal cans and sometimes in glass or porcelain, and placed in sturdy, beautiful covers that can be refrigerated. In addition, if caviar is packed in metal cans, a metal can lid can be used. The color of caviar packaging has a specific time at any time depending on the occasion and is issued based on it, for example, at Christmas, the packaging is black and pink. Engraving a special caviar fish for each one in a different way, that is,each special caviar fish of its specific type is used. Moreover, the packaging has an expiration date, standard logo, and seal for Iranian fisheries companies.

2- Saffron NanoPackaging

Saffron is a spice obtained from the dried stigmas and creams of the Crocus sativus plant (Crocus Sativus L). which, due to having different organic compounds, has led to the creation of attractive color, taste and aroma properties, and also has many applications in food and pharmaceutical industries. Iran is the largest producer and exporter of this product in the world.On the other hand, saffron is the most important and valuable export medicinal plant of Iran and also known as the red gold. One of the important points is the maintenance and packaging of saffron, is extremely important in its sale and export to domestic and foreign markets, which is one of the most important compounds in the saffron packaging industry due to the antimicrobial properties of nano compounds.

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Our Customers

Delwa is a knowledge-based product
Efficient and suitable product that has created a great change in the supply of saffron for this Iranian product.
Dr. Masoud Kaviani
Managing Director of Behyar Sanat Company
A great change in the saffron industry
Delwa is a very practical product. We are very happy after working with the Delva research team
Dr. Maryam Ameri
A great change in the saffron industry
Delwa is a widely used product
We have recently had the honor of cooperating with Delva Research Group and during this period we have witnessed great changes in our saffron production sector.
Eng. Amir Amiri
Managing Director of International Red Saffron Company