Dr. Seyed Amirali Anvaar
Full-time faculty member of Hygene and Food Quality Control of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch (grade 13)
Work address
Full-time faculty member of Hygene and Food Quality Control of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch (grade 13)
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch (2003)
Ph.D in Hygene and Food Quality Control, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch (2014).
Adjunct Professor at Marine Science and Technology Faculty, Fishery Department, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch (2004-2006)
Full-time lecturer at Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch.
Experience in 10 different administrative positions since 2014.
Establishing 3 different majors in 2015 and 2018.
Receiver of 5 prestigious awards in the recent years.
Reviewer of Iranian Journal of Aquatic Animal Health (since 2016).
Member of 14 scientific committees.
1.Food Microbiology and Quality Control
2.Food Nano-packaging
3.Milk Hygene and Industry (Milk Microbiology)
Leadership and cooperation in 9 research projects.
Articles and books
ISI Indexed Articles
A number of 24 articles published in ISI journal
Research Articles and ISC Indexed
A number of 21 articles published in English language and 57 in Persian.
Conferences and Symposiums
A number of 11 articles presented in conferences abroad and 37 articles presented in Conferences and Symposiums in Iran.
Genes Recorded
Dioxide through extrusion for extension of food shelf-life. (Registration of new sequence of cyanobacteria on NCBI) (Gen Bank) (2019).
Nostoc sp. AHARI.H 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
1,273 bp linear DNA
MN562622.1 GI:1764669533
Bacillus licheniformis strain Ahari.H2 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence 366 bp linear DNA
MN809401.1 GI:1782704124
Bacillus subtilis strain Ahari.H1 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence 505 bp linear DNA
MN809400.1 GI:1782704123
A number of 29 Different titles of books published
Two books reviewed for Azad University Publications and 2 journals.
A number of 12 patents registered.
A number of 17 Workshops Held and 17 Workshops Attended
14 cases of Projects Led in Marine Studies at Bachelor Level
A number of 36 Master’s Theses and 9 Doctoral Dissertations Advised, 22 Theses Reviewed, and 5 Theses Supervised